Our Superbars™ Fiberglass Lifting Anchors utilizes our 60GPa Fiberglass Rebar which is our strongest load bearing GFRP Fiberglass Rebar.

  • No Rust Stains
  • No Concrete Spalling
  • No Corrosion
  • No Patching

SUPERBARS™ Fiberglass lifting anchor is one of the best composite products available to our customers. It includes a wide range of features and applications. Some of the distinguishing features include protection against rust stains, corrosion, spalling, and patching. SUPERBARS™ Fiberglass Lifting anchors are made out of composite materials which are ¼ the weight of steel. Their impeccable strength allows engineers to reduce concrete cover. Some of the applications of fiberglass concrete anchors include beams, posts, piles, thin wall, fencing, road barriers, and concrete panels. Our products guarantee sustainability for more than a hundred years. Capable of 1.5 ton load capacity (5:1 safety factor) and a lifespan of 100+ years, they ensure greater savings in the long run.